Our Projects

Existing Projects

Jabal Dhahran National Schools

As one of the association’s goals, the association established an educational complex that includes a nursery, kindergarten, and primary education on land it purchased with an area of (1760 square meters) in the Al-Qusour neighborhood in Dahran. On 01/28/1440, the construction contract was signed and the building was received in 2020. /05/10 09/17/1441 corresponding to

The building consists of a ground floor with an area of 884 m2; It contains 8 offices, a clinic room, a control room, and 12 classrooms, while the first floor, with an area of 951 square meters, contains a meeting room, rooms, offices, a prayer room, and 12 classrooms. There is also an annex with an area of 474 square meters that contains a computer hall, a room for student activities, and a library.

The classrooms accommodate more than 450 male and female students, and all of them are equipped with the latest school equipment, including furniture, equipment, and appliances, in addition to an internal courtyard with an area of more than 300 square meters, a canteen, and a laboratory. The building is equipped with an elevator, a central air conditioning system, and the latest communications, monitoring, fire detection, and extinguishing equipment.

Doha Central Consumer Markets

The association's main project is located on its land in the south of Doha, on an area of 2,500 square metres. It includes a public parking area of 750 square meters, which can accommodate more than 66 cars, in addition to parking lots close to mosques. Construction began in late 2021, and the project was operational by the first quarter of 2024.

The building consists of a supermarket on the ground floor with a mezzanine with an area of more than 2,000 square metres. It offers a range of food and consumer goods at competitive wholesale and retail prices, in addition to complementary services. The association aims to venture into import and distribution as its business volume grows. The supermarket has dedicated departments for cheese, meat and fresh and imported vegetables, as well as bakery services and other facilities.

In addition, the 1,200 square meter basement houses administrative offices, freezer and refrigeration rooms, storage facilities and control equipment. Safety procedures are in place, including emergency services. Two elevators facilitate customer movement between the supermarket and the mezzanine, while another pair transports materials from the basement to both levels.

The association’s headquarters project

The association's headquarters consists of 8 investment offices for rent on the first floor, ranging in size from 90 to 230 square meters, with a total area of more than 1,500 square meters. In addition to 8 offices and a meeting room on the upper floor with an area exceeding 600 square meters as a workplace for the association’s management and employees to carry out its work and supervise its projects with

There are two elevators to serve client offices and investment office tenants.

The cost of the project exceeded 14 million riyals, including materials, equipment and furnishing.

Future Projects

Comprehensive medical dispensary

One of the association's future projects is the establishment of a comprehensive medical clinic covering most major medical specialties. According to the current vision, the clinic is characterized by the presence of specialized medical competencies, in addition to a distinguished nursing and technical staff, to be a haven for patients with middle income in the region, and this clinic will provide therapeutic services. At a high level, at prices lower than those prevailing in hospitals, while ensuring the provision of prestigious health services, capable of gaining the respect of everyone who visits them, so that they can perform their services.

Center For Cooperative Transportation

One of the future projects is the establishment of a cooperative transportation center that aims to provide a variety of ideal means of transportation equipped with tracking, monitoring, accounting, and direct communications systems. Services are provided in this center over the phone to save time and effort, with the aim of providing societal benefit in the first place and economic benefit in the second place and alleviating the burdens on citizens associated with transporting their families. Reassurance about the means of transportation that will do this comes from various aspects, the most important of which is: the presence of an official umbrella and institution that can be relied upon and trusted.

Agricultural Projects

In cooperation with the Council of Cooperative Societies and the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, the Society’s Agricultural Committee implements some projects in the field of agriculture and fisheries according to opportunities and capabilities, including participation in the Ministry’s guidance and awareness projects for farmers and fishermen, some fish projects, and cooperative supply contracts with local farmers to market their plant products, as well as with Livestock breeders, fishermen and cooperative societies working in this field. Ran Cooperative

Air Conditioner And Home Appliances Maintenance Center Project

The project aims to serve homes and facilities located in different neighborhoods in the Dhahran region by providing...

Maintenance and repair services for air conditioners and home appliances at competitive prices and guaranteed and distinguished services, in addition to benefiting from the center to carry out maintenance and repair of air conditioners, appliances and equipment in the association’s facilities.

There are many future projects targeted by the association, such as medical complexes for treatment and training, bottling and manufacturing drinking water, operating petroleum service stations, maintenance and car wash workshops, and other projects that support the association’s progress and raise the level of its work. Dividend return to its shareholders.